Breaking The Chain

It’s difficult to face the reality that there are 40 million people living in slavery throughout the world. That’s more… enslaved people today than in 1860, the date at which most Americans believe the practice to have been at its peak, soon to be ended with slavery’s official abolition in the US.

Buyers Act on Discreet Approach to Malaysia Labour Abuses

Buyers have taken action in Malaysia after an 18-month investigation conducted by non-profit Transparentem uncovered evidence that some garment workers… making clothes for major retailers in the Asian country were working in conditions that included indicators of forced labour.

Forced Labour Investigation Drives Change

An investigation conducted into the working conditions of Malaysian garment workers by US NGO Transparentem has uncovered evidence that some… employees manufacturing clothes for major retailers were working in conditions which included forced labour.

Transparentem takes the lid off on workers’ abuse in Malaysian garment factories

The rising awareness amongst brands, end-users and workers notwithstanding, news of labour abuse keeps emerging from various manufacturing destinations from… time to time. One such development to hit the headlines recently has been that of alleged abuse of workers employed in some Malaysian garment factories that supply to a host of globally renowned names.

Quiet approach allows US NGO to improve lives of workers in Malaysian factories

A New York-based non-profit organisation that investigates labour and environmental abuses has helped Malaysian factories improve their treatment of migrant… workers. These factories are involved in making items ranging from clothes to shoes for famous western companies like Target, Nike and Fruit of the Loom. The Guardian reported that an 18-month investigation by the NGO, […]

NGO’s softly-softly tactics tackle labor abuses at Malaysia factories

The 18-month investigation unearthed serious abuses at five apparel factories in Malaysia – hundreds of migrant workers had paid illegal… recruitment fees that sometimes exceeded a year’s pay, while four of the factories retained the workers’ passports, turning them into forced laborers unable to quit.

Toxic Tanneries Forced to Move Pollute New Bangladesh Site

Bangladesh tanneries prepping leather for shoes, belts, wallets and purses are dumping toxic chemicals into a river at a new… industrial complex more than a year after the government shut them down for poisoning a different river and using child labor.