

India is one of the world’s largest textile and apparel exporters. Millions work in the industry, which includes all tiers of production—from cotton farming to ready-made garments. Reports of child labor, forced labor, and hazardous working conditions led Transparentem to launch an investigation in 2016 into spinning mills and garment factories in Tamil Nadu, the country’s largest apparel export hub. Investigators documented evidence of forced labor indicators as described by the International Labour Organization (ILO) at four vertically integrated manufacturing groups. These indicators included abuse of vulnerability, excessive overtime, abusive working and living conditions, restriction of movement, retention of identity documents, intimidation and threats, sexual violence, and isolation.

In December 2019, Transparentem began delivering reports of these abuses to 31 companies identified as customers of the four manufacturing groups. Resulting buyer engagement improved labor practices at three of four investigated manufacturing groups. We continue to advocate for further necessary actions to positively transform the local industry.

Our Work in India

Our Work in India


Opportunities and Challenges in India’s Cotton Sector

Published: July 2024 Transparentem is presenting an interim report on opportunities and challenges in the...