Gioia Kelleher

To advance Transparentem’s mission, Gioia supports efforts to grow Transparentem’s strategic partnerships and public profile.
Dr. Lalanath de Silva

Dr. Lalanath de Silva oversees Transparentem’s programs, finance, and human resources. He is responsible for developing and implementing organizational strategy on environmental justice, building capacity, and achieving programmatic outcomes.justice, building capacity, and achieving programmatic outcomes.
Elizabeth Kester

Elizabeth leads Transparentem’s partnerships and communications efforts.
Luke Olynyk

Luke oversees Transparentem’s grants and monitoring and evaluation, ensuring that funders are effectively and regularly informed regarding organizational performance and project progress.
Emma Sampson

Emma manages Transparentem’s operations, finance, and human resources functions, and supports the implementation of its strategic plan.
Lynn Oberlander

Devereux manages legal issues for Transparentem.
E. Benjamin Skinner

Ben orchestrates Transparentem’s teams as they deliver on its mission.